The personal pages of Take Vos



last name
first name

Contact Information

The Netherlands

Work experience


Optiver (Amsterdam)

Performance engineer. Innovation Team. Software Developer. Hardware (FPGA) Developer


FilmTent (Rotterdam)

Technical consultancy during startup phase of FilmTent.

“Oase” (Marjet Boek)

Boom operator.

Shown at the Rotterdam Film Festival 2007.

“Mist” (Parisa Yousef Doust)

Sound recorder.

Shown at the Rotterdam Film Festival 2013.


Balance MHP (Rotterdam)

“KIEM” & “Billy Kane” (Patrick van Karsen)

DVD production.

“Life, death and waiting” (Parisa Yousef Doust)

Camera, acting, audio design.

“Miss Alida 2004” pageant

Camera, editing, DVD production.

“Beauty With a Vision” pageant



VOSGAMES (Amsterdam)

Boom Recorder

A professional multi track high resolution audio recorder, designed for use on stage. Boom Recorder is used by many professional film and television audio engineers, in diverse films and tv-series, including:

  • Flags of Our Fathers
  • Mad Men
  • Project Runway Canada
  • AVP2
  • Stargate Universe
  • The Killing
  • Arrow
  • Meet Dave
  • Tropic Thunder
  • 2012 Olympics Ceremonies


A feature length adventure movie. The script was completed, but the project was canceled.


Created a short film, just to see how it all works.


I have done consultancy work for the following companies:

  • Travel Unie Nederland.
  • Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap via NCR.
  • Mattmo, concept | design.

NCR Nederland N.V. / Teradata (Amsterdam)


I have taught two courses:

  • Basics of UNIX utilities and the shell.
  • Basic Python programming course.


I have done consultancy work for the following companies:

  • Belgacom; a parallel Oracle to Teradata loader.
  • Sociale Verzekerings Bank; an on-line help application for filling out forms.
  • Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap; an Intranet site and work for the water works.
  • Travel Unie Nederlands (TUI); see below.

Modernising the reservation system at TUI (Travel Unie Nederland)

I have had a big hand in modernising TUI's reservation system. This includes creating an architecture for developing web sites for their reservation system. The COBOL developers can write templates which describes how their COBOL data structures need to be translated into HTML, XML and PDF. This allowed the developers to create new and useful functionality to the reservation system.

The modernising of the reservation system also required getting the descriptions and pictures of all the hotels and package deals into the system, which until then only existed in brochures. I helped TUI (which was a merger of two large tour operators) with defining a new numbering scheme and with tools for them to get the descriptions and images into the reservation system.

The new functionality created by the developers and the inclusion of graphics and descriptions lead to the reservation system being more user-friendly and therefore more competitive for travel agencies to recommend TUI hotels and package deals to their customers.

This modern reservation system also allowed for the creation of XML web services for web based travel agencies. I have helped define one of these services, “Travel Message”, together with the 7 largest tour operators in the Netherlands. These changes enabled TUI to sell hotels, flights and package deals directly to the consumer as opposed through travel agencies.


General Design (Amsterdam)

I started at this user interface design company when the Internet had just started. The company quickly became one of the largest (at that time) Internet solution companies in the Netherlands.

I designed and implemented web-sites, web- & network applications and development- & graphics tools as well as being part-time administrator of our network and computer systems.

This company was well ahead of its time and I developed our own HTML template languages and using SGML (XML didn't exist yet, but it is exactly the same) for data exchange. These tools made it possible for General Design to quickly build advanced and dynamic website for our customers.


Ernha printtechniek (Utrecht)

This company produced prototype PCBs for the electronics industry. Here I worked, in all my weekends and vacations, at every part of the plant, including working with chemicals and in the dark room

Working at this company I found a large bottleneck; We received drill data from our customers on a floppy, however our robot drill only accepted punch tape. The drill data needed to be converted to punch tape by a 3rd party. I developed an application for creating a punch tape with drill data by repurposing/hacking together some systems that were available at the factory. The lead time of our printed circuit boards was reduced by three days, which made it possible for our customers to shorten their debug-edit-PCB cycle.



HTSA; polytechnic CS & telecommunications (Amsterdam)

Diploma; internship at General Design.


MTS SCUTOS; electronic engineering (Utrecht)

Diploma; internship skipped.


IVO MAVO (Utrecht)


Open Source Projects


A library for the construction of an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) as a companion to Lex and Yacc to create stand alone parsers.


A library which can render shapes defined using Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) into voxel space.


A C library with low level functions and data types. The wait-free ring buffer was used in the Linux CNC project as a command buffer.


Film skills

Operating systems

Programming Languages

Programming skills


Image manipulation and drawing

Language skills

Personal skills